Friday, September 17, 2010

9/13-9/17 #3

Ethan loved nothing more than the sea. He loved everything that had to do with the water such as boats, waves, and even the marine life. When he grew up, he wanted to be a sailor and live on the sea. His parents took him to the ocean and lakes all the time because that is where he was the happiest. The family moved into a house right on the water front of Lake Erie. His room had sailboat wallpaper and his sheets and bed spread were blue. Ethan spent his days out by the water, running around, splashing, and loving every minute of it. Every night when he laid down to sleep, his mind went on an adventure. He dreamed of his house floating on water, that no land ever existed. The dreams felt so real that he didn’t know what to believe. These were the best memories of Ethan’s life and he dreamt about it awake or asleep. If only he could truly have a house literally on the water….


  1. This is one of the most interesting and amazing stories that I have ever read. I was shocked by the ending. This story must have been running through your mind for months. I'm glad that you finally figured it all out and shared it here!

  2. What I like the most about this story is that I couldn't "sea" the ending coming.
