Thursday, December 23, 2010

12/20-12/23 Currin Thinks He's Sweet

I have this teacher who thinks he’s cool or something. Who said Nathan Boss Bailey loved himself? This guy is ten times worse. He always picks on other people, mostly students, in order to build his confidence. What kind of pathetic, lame, loser does this? Everything I say or do, he makes fun of. One time, we played a friendly pick-up game of three on three basketball. He was on the opposing team and my team dominated his. Being a good sport, I shook hands with him after the game and told him good game. After all, his team did do pretty well for playing US. They really had no chance. Anyways, this man could not get over the fact that he lost. It was like the world was ending for him. A couple weeks later, this man challenged me to a rematch. We randomly choose two teammates each and played some 3v3 before my basketball practice. My team consisted of two sophomores, Miranda Daucher and Ashley Ess, and myself. The cruel man played with two seniors, Emma Fusco and Laura McCormik. We got playing and this man was going nuts. He was slashing my teammates in the face and pushing them down every time we went up for a shot. My team, along with his teammates, was appalled. We weren’t taking it seriously at all, just trying to have fun, and this man was going nuts. I purposely let him win because he got so upset the last time he lost. I scored a few baskets while he was guarding me just to get the message across that I AM BETTER than him. The game ended quickly when our coach called us to start practice. This guy was sooo proud of himself that he had beaten three teenage girls in a game of basketball. He has nothing better to do than go around telling everybody of his success. GOOD FOR YOU MR. CURRIN!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

12/20-12/23 TOPSoccer

Last winter, I participated in a program called TOPSoccer. TOPSoccer is a program where special needs kids get a chance to play soccer. I volunteered to help along with many other adults or kids around my age. There were practices held every Saturday night. It was split into two sessions. The first session was for younger kids who needed more help. The second session was older kids who we could let on their own sometimes. All the volunteers were provided with a purple collared shirt that we were required to wear in order to stand out to the kids. Every week, each volunteer was matched up with a special needs child. We were to stick with the kid the entire practice and help them through the drills. We participated in the majority of the activities and it was crazy, but so much fun. I remember my first time at TOPSoccer when I got matched up with a boy that was very energetic. He was about three years old. At first, he refused to participate in anything we did. I tried talking to him, kicking the ball with him, or just letting him run around, but he wouldn’t cooperate. About halfway through the session, he completely changed and was running all over the place. He’d jump on my back, rip my name tag off, win all the sprints, go hard after the ball, and so much more. Every week, I had a different kid but I got to know a lot of them as well. It was always a fun, unexpected, great time. We did easy soccer drills and played fun games. I had the opportunity to do something I loved while helping people. It was an unforgettable experience. TOPSoccer has had to be one of my favorite volunteer programs. I plan on participating in it again this winter and cannot wait.

Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20-12/23 Summer Job!

This past summer, I worked as a games attendant at Darien Lake Theme Park. This was my first job, so I didn’t really know what to expect. A lot of people complain about Darien Lake and how they hate working there. My experience was actually pretty fun, and I’ll probably return next summer. My first day of work, my boss realized that I wasn’t shy or afraid to talk to people so he put me on a microphone game. I worked at the game called Whac-a-Mole. I learned how to work the game, how to call people over, and how to deal with the money. After working only a week there, I pretty much had the hang of things. Not too long after that, I was rewarded with Employee of the Week. This was really cool and I didn’t expect it at all. I had a caricature done and it hung in the break room at work. I worked about eight hours a day, four days a week. Working that often, I really got to know my co-workers. I loved working with someone else because it made the day go by faster and you had someone to keep you company. Talking to the guests was also something I loved to do. There were days where I would just sing on the microphone or say some random things. My favorite game to work at was Scale. Scale is also known as the Guessing Game. At the guessing game, I guessed people’s weights, ages, and birthdays. It was soooo much fun because I enjoyed the challenge. It made my day to make little kids happy or to stump adults that thought I would could never guess them right. I would rake in the money on those games. The only downfall of working on scale was that it got EXTREMELY hot some days and I’d get sunburned. I made new friends, had my first job, made some money, and had fun doing it. Overall, Darien Lake was the perfect summer job for me.

Friday, December 17, 2010

12/13-12/17 Poem

The Lanyard - Billy Collins
The other day I was ricocheting slowly
off the blue walls of this room,
moving as if underwater from typewriter to piano,
from bookshelf to an envelope lying on the floor,
when I found myself in the L section of the dictionary
where my eyes fell upon the word lanyard.
No cookie nibbled by a French novelist
could send one into the past more suddenly—
a past where I sat at a workbench at a camp
by a deep Adirondack lake
learning how to braid long thin plastic strips
into a lanyard, a gift for my mother.
I had never seen anyone use a lanyard
or wear one, if that’s what you did with them,
but that did not keep me from crossing
strand over strand again and again
until I had made a boxy
red and white lanyard for my mother.
She gave me life and milk from her breasts,
and I gave her a lanyard.
She nursed me in many a sick room,
lifted spoons of medicine to my lips,
laid cold face-cloths on my forehead,
and then led me out into the airy light
and taught me to walk and swim,
and I, in turn, presented her with a lanyard.
Here are thousands of meals, she said,
and here is clothing and a good education.
And here is your lanyard, I replied,
which I made with a little help from a counselor.
Here is a breathing body and a beating heart,
strong legs, bones and teeth,
and two clear eyes to read the world, she whispered,
and here, I said, is the lanyard I made at camp.
And here, I wish to say to her now,
is a smaller gift—not the worn truth
that you can never repay your mother,
but the rueful admission that when she took
the two-tone lanyard from my hand,
I was as sure as a boy could be
that this useless, worthless thing I wove
out of boredom would be enough to make us even.

The Lanyard, by Billy Collins, is a really good poem. I chose this poem because I am familiar with it. In my AP English and Literature Composition this year, we read a poem every day before class. This poem first came to my attention when we had our daily poem reading. Another time in that class, we listened and watched a video clip of Billy Collins reciting some of his poems. First of all, Mr. Currin is a big fan of Billy Collins and has shared a lot of his work with us. Billy Collins is starting to grow on me and I really appreciate his work as well. This poem is well written and very fun. Some poems bore me and are hard to pay attention to. This one is different. It keeps me interested and makes me think at the same time. My mother has done so much for me in life and she’s the reason why I am here. Nothing I do or say could ever repay her for all she’s done. It makes me think of my childhood when I would make silly little crafts for her. I thought they were so great, and she acted like they were as well. Looking back, I think about how small those little things were compared to the amount of things she did for me. This poem is humorous but sort of presents a very powerful message. As young children, we are so naïve. I think this poem is so cute and I respect Billy Collins as a poet. He took something so random and small and then contrasted it with huge concepts such as life, love, education, and food. I also like this poem because the point of it is so clear. A lot of poems are hard to decipher but this one was very straightforward and fun.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12/13-12/17 What is beauty?

Beauty can be defined as “qualities that give pleasure to the senses.” When I think of beauty, I think of anything that is appealing to look at. It means physical attractiveness and can pertain to any of the five senses. Other words for beauty are charm, loveliness, and attraction. A person can have beauty on both the inside and out. Someone who is beautiful inside is someone who is kind, caring, loving, trustworthy, and more. Inner beauty is when someone possesses good qualities and has a kind-heart. Outward beauty is someone or something that is pleasing to look at. Their physical features are appealing to the human eye. Do you remember seeing something and it was just breathtaking? That, to me, is true beauty. The word beauty also reminds me of the movie “Beauty and the Beast”. The character that plays the Beauty in this film is Belle. Belle definitely fits her title. She is a lovely young woman that tries to protect the people she loves. She is also very compassionate, patient, and adventurous. Belle is very sweet on the inside and out. For those who have seen the movie, most will agree that Belle is a good way to describe beauty. Attractive women are often referred to as “beauties”. I think beauty goes beyond looks. I think many things are beautiful such as the nature and the seasons. One thing that I think can be beauty was the first snowfall of the season. When we first got a lot of snow, it was beautiful. The trees were layered with a fluffy white and the big snowflakes floated to the ground. It was so pretty to look at. I also think the fall season is beautiful. All the different colors and massive amount of leaves is pleasing to look at. If beauty didn’t exist, this world would be a very boring place.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12/13-12/17 Online Publishing

From taking this course, I do believe that I have grown as a writer. I learned that I’m pretty good at it and I really don’t mind writing as much as I thought I did. When I write, I like to have an outline or an idea of how I’m going to go about it. It helps to organize my ideas first so when I start writing I don’t get off track or lost. I like writing made-up stories or reminiscing old memories. It is fun to get creative and use your imagination or retell a story exactly as you remember it. I don’t like writing blogs on “what is art?” or “what is beauty?” because I’m really not that type of writer. I don’t like writing about something so broad and having to find a meaningful definition. Although, I do think this type of writing helps me as a writer. When I am uncomfortable or challenged by a topic, it takes more out of me to write it. It’s not easy but that’s exactly why it helps. I also like reporting on sporting events. I covered Girls Varsity Soccer and Basketball. It was fun recapping the games not only because I was involved, but because it is something I’m interested in. Also, I think this class has helped me become more aware of grammar and punctuation. I am a senior editor so I read and correct half the class’s articles. I catch many errors in their papers and it makes me more careful when writing mine. I also have gotten in the habit of reading over my work to catch my errors before it gets published. We write A LOT in this class but it’s not overwhelming because we have a decent amount of time to do it. I am not the type of person to just sit down and write something but this class has made it easier for me. I think it will definitely benefit me in the long run.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

12/6-12/10 Childhood Show

One of my favorite shows as a child was Lizzie McGuire. I was about 8 or 9 years old when I was really into this show. It aired on Disney Channel along with several other shows that I liked to watch. Hillary Duff was the star of the show and she played a junior-high school girl. She had a brother named Matt who lived to annoy her. He made her life miserable every chance he got. Lizzie had two best friends that she was always with and could count on for anything. The show covered her life in school, with boys, and at home. I really liked this show because it was very realistic and I could relate to it. I was almost Lizzie’s age and it gave me an image of what my junior-high years would be like. I always remember relating to the annoying brother. My brother reminded me of this kid at some points because my brother and I would fight A LOT. Another show that I used to love when I was really young was Sesame Street. Sesame Street was an extremely popular show for toddlers and still is today. The characters in the show were all so goofy and fun which made it fun to watch. I didn’t know at the time, but Sesame Street is actually very educational. As a little kid, I learned songs, counting, and my ABC’s from Sesame Street. I remember watching it every morning at my babysitter, Liz Breyer’s, house. I hope a show like Sesame Street is around when I have kids so that they can have an enjoyable show to watch like I did.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12/6-12/10 Garden Gnome

One day, as I was outside about to get on my trampoline, I saw a tiny, troll-like figure walking my way. I squinted and stared as this odd figure came right up to me. Believe it or not, it was a garden gnome. The gnome stood still in front of me and said, “Hi, I’m Buddy!” I screamed at the top of my lungs kicked the gnome in the face. He fell down but bounced back up looking all frazzled. Buddy said, “Hey, that wasn’t very nice!” I sort of felt bad for what I did but this was unreal. There was a garden gnome on my lawn, talking to me. I tried to ignore the thing so I got up on my trampoline and started jumping. Buddy the gnome started shouting to make sure I could hear him as I bounced. He yelled and yelled and wouldn’t shut up so I finally hopped off and decided to listen. The little guy looked at me seriously and said, “Did you know that there is going to be a full moon tonight? Do you know what happens when there is a full moon?” Buddy went on and on for a good ten minutes about how people went crazy and some even hallucinated. He told me to trust no one at these times and to look out for myself in this chaotic universe. When I realized what I was doing and that I was actually listening to a talking garden gnome, I turned around and went inside. The little guy wandered around in my yard still and I closed all the shutters so that I couldn’t see him any longer. I went up to my room and thought about what he said. Full moons, chaos, hallucinations….man that guy was crazy.

12/6-12/10 Childhood Games

When I was younger, my brother and I used make up games to amuse ourselves. One game we liked to play when it was nice outside was called Killer Ball. The object of this game was to get the ball after it hit the roof in order to earn a point. We usually played this game when we had friends or cousins over because it was more fun to have teams. The game started by one person throwing the ball up on the roof. The roof at our house is slanted on the one side and somewhat low. Once in hit the roof and bounced off, it was fair game and every one battled to get it. There were NO RULES. We tackled, punched, pushed, shoved, tripped, and anything else just to get the ball. We usually played games up to 11 points. This game got pretty intense and sometimes people got hurt. All in all, it was a very fun, competitive game that we made up. Another game we used to play was sort of like dodgeball. When we moved into our news house, we were working on the play room. The play room was furnished, painted, and finished after everything else in the house was already complete. Before the room had everything in it, we would divide into teams when we had friends over and split the room in half. Each team took a half and they got to set up the furniture, pillow, and blankets to their liking. We also gathered tons of different soft balls to throw. The point of the game was to throw the balls and hit your opponent. If you hit your opponent, they lost the part of body that you hit them in but could still keep playing. It was so much fun to dodge behind the obstacles and watch other people play without legs or arms. Those are a just a few of the games that I liked to play when I was younger.

Friday, December 3, 2010

11/28-12/3 What is art?

What is art? According to, the definition of art is “the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.” I don’t really think that there is one specific definition of art though. Art can be defined in so many ways and different people have different ideas of what it might mean. In my eyes, art can be any form of expression or people being creative. The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “art” is paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures, and the things you can physically touch. Art can also be dance, music, or literature though. You can express yourself through music, movement, and text as well as creating a physical material. I was introduced to art class when I entered the Primary School in kindergarten. In art class, we strictly did things such as painting, drawing, coloring, sculpting, and more. This is how my initial reaction to the word “art” was developed. Later, I learned that there was a deeper meaning and now really see the wide variety that can be considered art. I’ve never really considered myself an artistic person for the fact that I don’t think I’m very creative. I always like everything to be perfect and with art, I never really had that feeling. Art can be so free and an expression of anything you want and it was hard for me to make something that I was completely pleased with. As I’m writing this though, I may be a little more artistic than I though. I love music and dancing, and I am a pretty good writer but creating these things has never been my forte. I do find ways to express myself though, and that right there is a form of art. I use my imagination to get creative and don’t always realize it. Art is definitely a form of entertainment because it is usually pleasing to people. I don’t believe that art can be truly defined because it means so much.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

11/28-12/3 Creative Story

All around the world, babies are teaming up to create their own army. Their army is called Babies of the World (BOTW). The main goal of BOTW is to gain all power and control the world. Their mission is of course, a BIG secret. The babies hired a set number of adults to work for them in order to become the best. Once they were all trained and strong enough, they would put their plan into action. BOTW had many meeting spots all over the world. Their training places were disguised as day care centers and once they were dropped off, they began to work. The babies depended greatly on GTL (gym, tan, laundry). In order to take over the world, they had to look good doing it. Each and every day, they would do their routine workout, tan, and then wash their army diapers. One of the hired adults was in charge of the tanning light. All the adults had to wear white lab coats and a white hat when they were working. The babies stood in a dark room, in a straight line for ten minutes with the UV rays shining on them. They went five babies at a time to make sure they got the most out of their tan session. They also had to wear special sunglasses to make sure they did not damage their vision. They had a portable tan light so they could tan wherever and whenever. The day cares that they went to looked like normal houses. The babies trained their bodies and minds in these houses but also had a lot of bonding time. When not working, they chased each other around the house and played games. There was a head baby in each house who was pretty much the drill sergeant and boss. The head baby kept the others in line and disciplined them. One day, BOTW will be in charge of the world.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11/29-12/3 Picture Reaction

This picture caught my attention because it is very pretty. There are tons of butterflies all piled up a tree in what looks to be a forest. The colors of this photograph are really neat. I like how some of the butterflies are really bright orange and colorful and the others are dull and plain colored. The bright ones are very vibrant and stand out to me. I also like the background in this photo. The trees seem extremely tall and I can picture myself standing on the ground looking up at them. The sky is such a pretty blue and I like how the sun shines through so brightly. The photo is captured perfectly. It makes me think of summer and seeing butterflies fluttering by. This summer, at the Alden Malachowski Memorial Ceremony, there was a release of butterflies. There were tons of butterflies in the box and although it was a bit too cold, the butterflies all came out. This picture reminds me of the butterfly release because rarely do you see so many butterflies in one place. It also reminds me of the Butterfly Conservatory. I went there when I was younger and it was amazing to see all the butterflies. I imagine a little forest just for the butterflies to live in, like the conservatory. Also, it seems to me as though monarchs are one of the most popular types of butterflies. I think they are really cool to look at which is probably why I was attracted to this picture. It is very peaceful and pleasing to look at. They look like they are in a place that never gets cold and is always that pretty. The butterflies seem to be connected like a family and they fly together and rest together. Their food could be on that tree which is why they all flocked to it. They surround the tree so that we can’t even see it. Butterflies seem peaceful and harmless and this picture just emphasizes that.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fear builds walls.

“Fear builds walls”, is a pretty deep statement. It means that if you are afraid of something, you automatically put up a wall and are less likely to face it. Fear definitely takes a toll on your confidence. This statement can describe a lot of relationship problems. If people have been hurt or cheated on in a relationship, they might not be able to open up again because they are afraid of getting hurt. Fear prevents people from reaching their full potential. If they are scared to do something, they will never know the outcome. Even though fear builds walls, people are able to overcome their fears. The walls are like obstacles in their lives that they must face. For an example, someone who is afraid of heights and rides a rollercoaster faced their fear and possibly conquered it. Mostly everyone is afraid of something in life. A common fear is fear of failure. People who are afraid to fail might not try new things because they don’t know how or don’t know if they are good at it. How do you know if you never try though? Fear of rejection is another one that falls under that category. People want to feel accepted so they may not go outside of the box or feel free to express themselves because of what others may think. Sometimes, people don’t even realize that they fear something. It is a common emotion and many people may build walls to avoid it. This quote really could mean a lot of things but that is all I’ve got!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Top Ten Things About Nate Zobrest

1. his bleach blonde hair
2. his deep voice
3. his tallness
4. he’s my AP English classmate
5. he participates in Socratics…HA HA
6. he plays football
7. my fellow senior editor
8. he makes fun of Currin
9. he is funny
10. he is a very nice boy and I am happy to know him


Thursday, November 18, 2010

11/15-11/19 What is winning?

Winning pretty much means succeeding at the task handed to you. This word is usually used in context with a competition. In sports, you always hear about the winners. The “winner” of the competition is the team or individual that comes out on top and defeats their opponent. Winners are people that are victorious. They are the people that are praised and honored for their accomplishments. Winners are people that are victorious. They also never give up. The line “winners never quit and quitters never win” is a good explanation. People who give their all and keep trying until they finish are winners. Even if they get defeated or beat, they can still be winners. I believe a winner is someone who does there best all the time. You don’t have to be THE best, but you have to be YOUR best in order to be a winner. Winning is not an easy thing to do. Most of the time, it would be easier to give up and stop trying. Winners shine through though because they are the people who step it up and are ready to take life on. Let’s take the Alden Varsity Football team for example. They just finished their season with a 10-1 record. Anyone in this town would consider them winners. They won ten games in row and lost the 11th game at the All-High Stadium which ended their season. In that last game, the boys played their hardest and left it all on the field. Even when they were losing, they kept fighting and never gave up. They are winners for putting their heart into it and giving their all to succeed. Winners are people that have the drive to succeed and can become victorious. Being triumphant in a contest all the way to never settling for failure is considered winning in my book.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11/15-11/19 Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday of the year has to be Christmas. Christmas is one of the biggest holidays and I just love the spirit and hype that comes along with it. People prepare for Christmas for months in advance by shopping for presents or decorating their houses. I love decorating the tree and house while listening to Christmas tunes. Also, shopping for presents is so stressful but it’s fun and good bonding time. On Christmas Eve, we go to my aunt’s house to celebrate with my dad’s side of the family. This is a tradition and I always look forward to it. Later that night, we attend midnight mass at the church. Midnight mass is actually really cool. It is more elaborate with fancy decorations and Christmas music being played. December 25th is the day everyone waits for and it’s one of my favorite days of the year. My family and I wake up and gather into the living room to open presents. Who doesn’t love presents? I also love seeing my family’s reactions to the presents that I give them. Later on, we have the rest of the family over for dinner and more presents. It is so much fun to spend time with them and eat a delicious meal. We also do a Christmas exchange which is always a good time. Christmas overall is more than just one day to me. It is more like a season. The winter weather and snow that come along with it make it a beautiful holiday. There are so many Christmas traditions such as baking cookies, filling stockings, getting your Christmas tree, and more. All of these things appeal to me and I love this time of year. It is a religious holiday but can be celebrated by anyone and everyone. Christmas is coming soon and I can not wait!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11/15-11/19 I am thankful for...

I am thankful for so many things in my life. A lot of times, I take the things I have for granted and don’t realize how good I have it. Times like this and around Thanksgiving always help to open my eyes. One of the things that I am most thankful for is my family. I have the greatest family and couldn’t ask for a better one. My parents are so supportive and have helped me become the person that I am. They are always there for me no matter what and I don’t know what I would do without them. My brother, Derek, is also a huge part of my life. He is one of my best friends and always will be. I am thankful for the house I live in, and the simple things, like having food and clothes. Some people aren’t fortunate enough to have the basic necessities in life and I think to myself that I have all that and more. I am also thankful for my good health. So many people in this world are sick and suffering diseases and I’m a perfectly healthy person for the most part. I am thankful for so much whether it be the shoes on my feet or my life overall. My friends and relatives are really great too. The best times I’ve had and most memories I’ve made have been with them and because of them. I am really thankful for food because I LOVE food. Some of my favorites are fruit, chocolate, Honey Bunches of Oats, pasta, and more. I love sports so I’m thankful for them and that I am able to participate. Also, although it is a pain, I am thankful for my education. My education will hopefully lead me to be successful someday and continue to live a happy life. I could go on and on with things I am thankful for. I am a happy and healthy person and I’m thankful for the life that I have.

Friday, November 12, 2010

11/8-11/12 Motivational Quotes

Tough times never last, but tough people do.
Dr. Robert Schuller

This quote is pretty self-explanatory. Everyone encounters tough times in their life but no matter what, life goes on. Tough people are able to get through those times and move on. If you have the strength to push through even when times seem like they can’t get any worse, you’re a tough person. Those type of people are strong when times are tough and they don’t break down and quit. Overcoming obstacles and staying strong is the key to lasting life.

Life is just a blank slate, what matters most is what you write on it.
Christine Frankland

I really like this quote because it describes life. It is saying that life is what you make of it. When you are born, you start completely fresh and have a whole life to build. What you do and who you are is totally up to you. Those actions are “what you write” on the blank slate called life. This reminds me a lot of John Locke’s Tabula Rasa Theory. His theory was also called the blank slate theory and pretty much means the life is in control of the individual. How you live it is what matters most.

The power of imagination makes us infinite.
John Muir

This quote can pretty much be summed up by saying you can do anything that you set your mind to. We all have the power to dream big and imagine and with that right there, anything is possible. The word infinite can be defined as “having no limits or boundaries”. There are no limits when it comes to imagination because we can dream anything and everything.

11/8-11/12 Three People

Although it is hard to choose just three, three people that I would love to sit down and have lunch with are David Beckham, my great grandpa, and my old dog, Asti. David Beckham is not only a gorgeous human being, but an amazing soccer player. We both love the game and it would be really cool to hear some tips or experiences that he had. He seems like a pretty cool guy and I would love to meet him. Secondly, I would like to have lunch with my great grandpa. My great grandpa, George Klopfer, passed away a few years ago. I miss him and would love to get another chance to see him and talk to him again. He always had stories to tell and never fell short of making me laugh. He loved when we came to visit and I always enjoyed my time spent with him. Everyone loved Great Grandpa and it would be so nice to spend time with him just one more time. He was the first person who passed away in my family that I was actually close with and it really hit me. Lastly, even though she is an animal, I would love to spend time with my old dog, Asti. My parents had Asti before I was even born, so I grew up with her in my life. She was always there and a part of our family. I loved playing with her or just laying with her whenever I wanted. Eventually, she got old and sick and passed away. It was really rough on me and the rest of my family and I miss her. I would love to spend time with Asti and it would bring back many childhood memories.

Monday, November 8, 2010

11/8-11/12 Thanksgiving Tradition

Every year, my family celebrates Thanksgiving by going to my grandma’s house for dinner. My dad’s side of the family all goes to my grandma’s, hangs out, watches football, and spends time together. For dinner, we all gather upstairs in the dining room and eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, gravy, and more. Everyone eats and laughs until they can barely breathe any longer. The women then clean up and wash dishes while the men and kids go downstairs and crash on the couches or floor. It’s pretty much a traditional family Thanksgiving. What’s more exciting though, is the event that takes place on a Sunday close to Thanksgiving. My dad’s side of the family has a tradition of making Christmas Candy each year. We go to my grandma’s and spend a whole Sunday in the garage making TONS of hard candy. We make peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, and cinnamon. The colors are red, green, bluish-green, and yellowish-white. Unfortunately, I can’t give away the family recipe, but it’s pretty delicious. The candy comes out extremely hot and gooey and we all have to cut it up into tiny pieces as it hardens. Then, we coat the candy with sugar and once it’s all finished, we divvy it up into tons of different jars for family friends, and ourselves! The candy is then ready to be eaten and we put it out for the holidays. This special Sunday is coming up soon and I’m looking forward to it. Although my cousins are all off at college, I still enjoy spending the day with my family making a treat that everyone loves!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

11/1-11/5 Respect

Respect can be defined in many different ways. I think that respect means to act appropriate and be polite in certain situations. Respect can be summed up with the golden rule; treat people the way you wanted to be treated. Acting polite, being nice to others, being considerate, and being an all-around good person is what respect means to me. For an example, respect is a big part in school. As a student, we should be mature and responsible in class and not talk back to teachers or other adults. Respect is something that has to be earned. You earn respect by acting and doing things the way that they should be done. The people that I have a lot of respect for are usually role models in my life. One person that I respect is a wonderful woman, Mrs. Gramza, because of the person she is. She is polite, smiley, fun, loving, and a leader. For all these reasons, I respect her. Going back to the golden rule, in order to be respected and respectful, you must treat people fairly. If you wouldn’t want to be mistreated, then don’t do it to others. Most people have a pretty good idea of what is accepted as right and as wrong in this society. Good is helping others, using your manners, and just being a sweet person. Bad can be being nasty and rude, and doing harmful things. Respect pretty much falls under the good category which is how you should act. All in all, respect is a meaningful word that could be used in a number of different ways.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11/1-11/5 Dream Job

There are many jobs that I have considered for my future. One job that I’ve never really considered realistic, is hosting my own television show. I think it would be so cool to have your own talk show like Ellen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey, or Rachael Ray. I am very outgoing and love to talk which is why the job would be perfect for me. Talk shows are not only interesting, but fun at the same time. Ellen, Oprah, and Rachael are all super rich because of the publicity they get from being on air. Also, how cool would it be to be famous? Everyone dreams of being famous when they are young, so becoming a talk show host would be a dream come true! I also love to help others and these talk show hosts usually do just that. They give away prizes and money like it means nothing to them. If you’ve ever watched a talk show, you are aware that a lot of things they talk about or do on the show are very interesting. I rarely watch them, but when I do, I always enjoy it. Talk show hosts also get to meet a lot of other famous people. They have interviews or just invite celebrities to come and sit down and talk. Being famous, and meeting other stars would be amazing. I am currently the anchor of our school’s news station and I love it. I’m not afraid to be on camera and love to make people smile on a daily basis. I would love to be a talk show host when I get older.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Role Model

My mother is a positive role model in my life. I love her and look up to her because she is a good example of how I want to be. She has always been there for me no matter what, supporting me and pushing me to do better. My mom has helped me become the person that I am and I love her for it. Unlike a lot of mothers, not only does she act as a mother, but as a best friend to me. She loves to talk and is always up for some fun. She knows how to have a good time and laugh, but at the same time is hard-working. She is good at what she does and is always putting her family first. My mom is a successful Guidance Counselor that guides not only me, but many other students throughout the school. I know that she has impacted others’ lives as well as my own. My mom has good morals which she passed on to me. Sure we disagree and get into little fights, but we can always work it out somehow. I can count on her to get something done or be there for me whenever I need her. She can get stressed out easily but gets over it shortly after. We are both very busy people and she manages her time well. Time management is a concept that I’m still trying to grasp and my mother helps me with this a whole lot. When I am older, I want to be the kind of mother that she is to me. I want to be a cool mom that everyone likes but yet not afraid to lay down the law for my child. She is also very involved and knows what’s going on. She’s also up-to-date and stylish, which I like to believe is partly due to me. :) My mom constantly sets examples for me even when she doesn’t know it. Ever since I was little I have learned from her by her actions and words. People tell me all the time that I’m just like my mother and although I shake my head and disagree, I know that it’s somewhat true and I’m satisfied with it because she is such a great woman.

What does Ryan Pinkowski do in his free time?

Many of us wonder, what does Ryan Pinkowski do in his free time? Pinky has a hard time getting his work done and I believe this is because he is very distracted. Outside of school, and putting on a fake “student” disguise, Pinky is a Broadway musical performer. He constantly has to practice and prepare for shows and is always on the run to rehearsals. Pinky has had a passion for dancing ever since he was little but never really told anyone. He was embarrassed because it wasn’t the cool thing to be a dancer. He made it big about three years ago which is why his production level in high school has dropped. It is hard for Pinky to get work done in school because he is always exhausted. On a normal week day, he usually doesn’t get home until after midnight. There is barely any time for him to sleep, which causes him to doze off in school quite often. As of now, Pinky is just a back-up dancer and has performed in musicals such as West Side Story, Chicago, The Wizard of Oz, and Hairspray. Other students would never picture him to be a dancer because of the act he puts on in school. He takes his disguise in school as practice for his acting career. He hopes to have a bigger part in a production eventually. Pinky has it made and has a career all set, so why does he need to do his schoolwork? He wants to hire a tutor and be home-schooled on his own time but his parents won’t let him. With one more year of high school left, Pinky is going to stick it out and keep up the act. He figures that his work doesn’t need to be complete or perfect so he does what he needs to skate by.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I have had many stupid little injuries throughout my life that could be considered embarrassing. About two years ago, around fall time, I went to my grandparents’ house out in Varysburg with my family. My cousin and aunt were also there. We were all outside because it was very nice out and my cousin, brother, and I were riding around on my grandpa’s toys (four-wheelers and golf cart) because they have a lot of land. My grandpa and cousin had a fabulous idea to tie a metal saucer to the back of the golf cart. They figured it would be like tubing in the snow, but on grass instead. So my cousin took the first ride as my grandpa took sharp turns and went all over the lawn on the four-wheeler. My cousin would fly off the saucer and we’d all laugh. Finally, I took a turn. Sitting on the saucer, the ride was pretty thrilling. I was screaming and having fun, determined to stay on the saucer. For some odd reason, I refused to let go. I wanted to be the champion of grass saucering or something. Well, that was a bad idea. My grandpa whipped me so hard that the entire saucer flipped and I went with it. I face planted into the grass and hit my head extremely hard. I had brush-burns on my elbows, knees, and even forehead and my head was pounding. I swear I had a concussion, considering my head hurt every day straight for the next week. My dad proceeded to call me “Scrape” because of the brush-burn on my face. He still calls me that every once in a while to date. Looking back, I wish I would’ve been a little more willing to let go. If I would’ve just let go, I wouldn’t have flipped over and been buried into the ground. Would I ride that saucer again? Of course. Even though I got pretty beat up, it was definitely a lot of fun.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10/18-10/22 Oh so scary!

I’ve seen many scary movies and been to many haunted houses but one of the creepiest places I’ve been to is Delaware Rd. Delaware is in Clarence and it is a vacant road where the Klu Klux Klan supposedly hung people. I’ve walked down it a few times and nothing too crazy has happened. The last time I was there though, we started walking down it and heard snapping in the trees. We ran back to the truck as fast as we could, because we are babies. So we drove down it to get a hold of ourselves and after, tried to walk down it again. As we were walking, we saw bright lights behind us and an old car was coming at us full speed. I happened to be a little further down the road though and I dashed off the road as fast I could, trying to get back to the truck. I fell into a ditch and was scrambling to get up. When the car passed and we were all freaking out, it wasn’t over. It put its break lights on so we quickly got into the truck and as we were about to pull out, the car came full speed in reverse at us. It continued to follow us off of Delaware Rd for a while, tailgating us big time. After a while, it finally passed and we were relieved but definitely freaked out.

Another thing that is very scary to me is the movie “When A Stranger Calls”. This movie was awful for me because when it came out, I was doing a lot of babysitting. Almost every time I babysit now, I think of the movie and some body in the house. It is about a high school girl who goes to babysit and keeps getting creepy phone calls. She finds out that the call is coming from inside the house. The girl then has to fight for hers and the children’s lives. It scares me so much because it is so realistic. A lot of scary movies are about vampires or mutated, possessed people but “When A Stranger Calls” was different. I’ll never feel one hundred percent safe when babysitting ever again!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/18-10/22 Is Nate Bailey the Boss?

I’m going to be honest, Nate Bailey is the boss. Honestly, I’ve never really heard anyone refer to themselves as boss until Nate started it. Who really knows what a boss is or what it means to be “boss”? I sure as heck don’t but I know that when I hear it, I relate it to Nate. He gave this name to himself and is so persistent and adamant about it that EVERYONE knows that’s what he calls himself. Everyone is bashing Nate but I have to give him credit for creating “boss”. He knows what’s up and is not afraid to show it. He makes it clear to everyone that he loves himself and his life and is the greatest. He may have given himself this name because of his performance on the football field this season. Nate has been tearing it up, and believe me, he knows it. Let’s just remember the video we watched on the news of Nate’s touchdown. Now that’s a true boss. I think to be a boss you have to love yourself and Nate couldn’t make that more obvious. Nobody really conforms to the idea of Nate being “boss” but his friends are definitely aware. In Nate’s eyes, people should bow down to him as he passes through the hall and respect him. He’s fresh and fly, coming to school every day dressed to impress. He’s also got the swagger that shows he’s the man. When I signed Nate’s yearbook last year, no joke, EVERYONE that signed it had used the word “boss”. Things such as “The Boss”, “Nate Boss Bailey”, “The Boss Man”, and more appeared on the pages. Even when writing this article I wanted to use the word “boss” to describe Nate. I’m NOT saying Nate is the greatest person alive or godlike at all, just saying, Nate Bailey is OBVIOUSLY the boss.

10/18-10/22 Nate Horror Story

1) Once upon a time, there was a boy named Nathan Boss Bailey. He thought he was sweet and was always getting into trouble at school. Teachers and the principle were getting fed up with him and they kept warning him. One day, they decided to send him away for a few days. They sent him to a school in the town of Eden. They had never sent a student there before for suspension, so Nathan was their first one, sort of like a guinea pig. Nate was annoyed but followed the rules and went out to Eden for his first day. When he got there, they told him he’d be spending three days and two nights there. Nathan was not prepared for the little overnight visit at this alternative school in Eden at all. It was a long empty building out in the middle of nowhere with only woods surrounding it. They led him to a room to do his work and it reminded him of a dungeon. They locked up the doors behind him and surprisingly, Nate was the only student there. He started his work trying not to make eye contact with the instructor. The instructor was pale as can be, with long, black, straggly, hair and bloodshot eyes. Nathan sat in his chair, as creeped out as anyone could be, while he heard weird noises and saw shadows pass by every now and then. Nate thought he was getting sick, or not feeling well, because it was all too weird. He slept in a tiny room, with no ventilation and again heard the noises, and high pitched screaming in the night. He knew he needed to get out. With no phone, and no way of contacting anyone, Nate was just going to have to wait it out. On his last day there, he woke up sweating, but relieved to be going home. Except today was different, no one came for Nate, so he wandered off to the school room on his own. Nobody was in sight and he just sat down to do his work. It started to storm outside, the lights went off, and the noises got louder. Nate started running, scared out of his mind with something right behind him, chasing him. “Where did he run to?” you may ask, but nobody knows. No one knows where he disappeared to or what the school did to him. The Eden alternative school was shut down and there have been detectives on the case. Nate Bailey is still missing but the hunt to find him continues.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Best Meal Ever!

It’s very difficult for me to choose the best meal I’ve ever had. I can’t think of a certain meal that was my favorite but a delicious meal that I recently had was a spaghetti dinner. I always like spaghetti; it is a simple but very good meal. This special time though, I had the Girls Varsity Soccer team over to my house after a practice for dinner. Dinner was prepared and on the table as soon as we got to my house which was great because we were all hungry! We had spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, and salad. Everything was DELICIOUS. My grandma made homemade sauce and my dad made the meatballs from scratch. The garlic bread was made from fresh loaves of French bread with garlic spread and cheese on top. I started out with salad and then proceeded to eat my spaghetti and meatballs! I even had a second helping because it was so good. After stuffing myself with the mouth-watering main course, it was time for dessert! Some of my teammates brought different desserts to help out with the meal. We had chocolate chip cookies, banana bars, sugar cookies with frosting, and mint flavored brownies. I think I had one of each dessert because they were all so good and I couldn’t decide on just one. All of teammates kept saying how great the meal was and I couldn’t agree more. My parents really went all out with the meal. I think we will have to have another spaghetti dinner very soon!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Best Class Ever!

One of my favorite classes in high school has to be English 11. I took English 11 last year with Mr. Currin and Mrs. Gramza for teachers. First of all, anyone that has had these two together knows that it’s crazy. They constantly harass each other and it always makes me laugh. I had the class first block and I actually didn’t mind coming into school for it. It wasn’t like a normal first block class that you would usually want to sleep for or anything like that. In the class, we covered many different pieces of literature that I found very interesting. We read and acted out the play, “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller. Each student had a different role in the play and it was an interesting way to get us more involved in the story. We also read The Catcher in The Rye. After reading it, my friend Holly and I made a video for our final project. It was really fun to reenact different scenes from the novel. Even though I usually don’t like poetry, the poetry unit was actually pretty fun. We had a day to share our poetry and I really enjoyed hearing other people’s work. I got made fun of A LOT in that class, especially by the teacher, but I clearly didn’t mind that much. I liked the other students in my class and we made fun of Currin right back. Some of my closest friends were in English with me, so it was nice to be able to talk about homework or assignments whenever we needed help or just to share ideas. Of course there was the big English Regents at the end of the year which I dreaded but my scores on the essays proved that English 11 had prepared me well.

Best Band Ever!

One of my favorite musical groups to listen to is the Black Eyed Peas. The Black Eyed Peas is a pop/hip-hop group consisting of four members. The members are, Taboo,, and Fergie. They formed in 1995 and have been gaining popularity ever since. I have been listening to them for quite a while now. I enjoy their music so much, because it is always upbeat and makes you want to dance. They have many catchy songs that you can’t help but playing over and over again. Many of their songs can be heard at dances or parties because of their modern energy. Just last year, I purchased their new album, The E.N.D. (The Energy Never Dies). This album was amazing and a huge success. It consisted of hit songs such as “Boom Boom Pow”, “I Gotta Feeling”, “Imma Be”, and so much more. I would play this CD all the time, whether I was just relaxing at home, or in the car. It wasn’t long before my family and friends learned to love the Black Eyed Peas as well. My friends were buying the album and we could jam out to all the songs. More songs on the album also started playing on the radio and when they did, I already knew them! I love being able to sing along to each track. Their style is trendy and fresh and the beats are irresistible. I can’t think of a song that I don’t like. Although they haven’t always been the best live or on stage, the Black Eyed Peas ‘music is incredibly entertaining.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10/4-10/8 Little Miss Sunshine

Another movie that I love is Little Miss Sunshine. This comedy came out in 2006 about a very dysfunctional family from Albuquerque. Their goal is to get the little girl, Olive, to win the Little Miss Sunshine Contest way off California. The family wants to make her dreams come true but they have so many issues that they cannot go a day without running into some kind of disaster. The mother brings her homosexual brother into the family from a psych ward for being suicidal. The dad is an unsuccessful motivational speaker that tries to use his nine steps to success plan. Olive’s brother, Dwayne, has taken a vow of silence as a follower of Nietzsche and acts distant from the family. The grandpa, was sent away from an elders’ institution and is addicted to heroin but determined to help Olive win. On their cross-country journey to California, they run into many problems which are all very comical. I enjoyed this movie because for me, it was nonstop laughter. The family fails to get along day after day and fights throughout the entire trip. Each character was fun and interesting in their own ways as we were exposed to their flaws and problems. In the end, they are still a family and love each other even though they go through struggles. I would definitely recommend Little Miss Sunshine because it always gives me a good laugh.

10/4-10/8 Ten Things I Hate About You

Ten Things I Hate About You has been one of my favorite movies ever since I was young. It is a remake of the Shakespeare classic “Taming of the Shrew” set in a modern day high school. A new student, Cameron, comes to Padua High and meets a beautiful girl named Bianca. The only problem is that Bianca isn’t allowed to date until her older sister, Kat the “shrew”, dates. Kat is an unruly senior that hates conformity. Cameron, in the hopes of dating Bianca, goes on a quest to find someone to date Kat and pays the kid he chooses. The kid he picks, Patrick, is also a rebellious high school student with a bad-boy reputation. This movie is very entertaining and fun to follow. Each character has a unique personality and come into many confrontations. I enjoyed reading “Taming of the Shrew” but this movie just makes the story line so much better because it is easier to relate to. It’s a believable story and shows the drama that teenagers actually go through. It keeps you wondering who is going to end up with who and is it going to work? Ten Things I Hate About You is a mix of comedy and romance of high school teens that is a great movie.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/4-10/8 Remember the Titans

One movie that I absolutely love is Remember the Titans. Remember the Titans came out in the year 2000 and was based on a true story about an integrated football team from Alexandria, Virginia. One black school and one white school were forced to integrate and a black coach is made head coach over a very successful white coach. After tensions arise and many hard feelings, the boys finally learned to accept each other. They became the unifying example to the town and community as they acted as a family. They go through the season undefeated and slowly gain support from the community. After winning the state semi-finals, one of the main players, Gerry Bertier, became paralyzed from a car accident. The team went on to win the championship in honor of Gerry. I love this movie because it is very inspiring and entertaining. It shows a story of high school students overcoming racism and segregation during their time and influencing other people to do the same. They also fight to become the best football team and get a lot of support from the community. I like it because I can relate to the team unity which is a very powerful thing. If a team has heart, they can go very far and that is exactly what the Titans had. The movie also sprinkles in some humor so it’s fun and upbeat. I really enjoyed seeing the group of boys becoming a family rather than being stubborn and rejecting the idea. They came together to be the best they could be. This movie never gets old and I continue to love it every time that I watch it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

9/27-10/1 Travis Demuth!

Travis Demuth, a senior at Alden High, was born on October 29th, 1993. He was born in Buffalo but moved to Alden at an early age and lived here ever since. Travis plays football and also runs track. His favorite sport is track because he’s good at it. Anyone that has seen Travis run is aware of his speed. For track, he runs the 110 hurdles and in the 4x1 relay. The relay team dominates everyone they compete against and recently have traveled to Binghamton to race at states. In his free time, Travis likes to relax and watch television. He hangs out with his friends on the weekends and drives around in his Hyundai Tiburon. He has never had a job but plans on getting one, although he doesn’t want to. After high school, he plans on going to college and possibly even dorm. He doesn’t know where he wants to go or what he wants to be but he is thinking about becoming a Pediatrician. Travis likes to listen to all different music but his favorite types are rap and country. Some of his favorite artists are Lil Wayne and Brad Paisley. This night owl stays up until about midnight on school nights and even later on weekends! If he could be any animal he would be a lion because they are big, strong, and ferocious. Travis is a cool kid that you should really get to know!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/27-10/1 Favorite Season

When asked to choose my favorite season, it’s very difficult to pick just one. I like all of the seasons for different reasons but one that I really enjoy is summer. I love summer because I love the sun. It’s so relaxing to lay out by our pool or even on the hot sand at a beach. You can wear cute sun dresses and summer outfits and get a real nice tan. Also, the weather is nice so you can spend a lot of time outside. There are so many things that you can do outside such as walking, riding bikes, swimming, and pretty much any game in the nice weather. I also love summer because it’s a break from school. No school means no homework, sleeping in, and more free time! Rather than just having weekends to hang out with friends and stay out late, you have the whole week. In the summer, I also work so I am making money! I enjoy my job and I have a very flexible work schedule which is very convenient. At the end of every summer falls my birthday and I LOVE my birthday. I love the presents, sweets, family parties, and having a party for my friends. It’s a great way to end the summer. I think summer stands out to me because it is an overall relaxing, fun season. Sure, it gets very hot, but a little sun never hurts. :)

9/27-10/1 My Vacation Spot

Over the summer, I vacationed to the Outerbanks in North Carolina. I went with my family on my mom’s side for my grandparent’s fiftieth anniversary. This was the third time I was there and I still love it as much as the first time I went. Our house was three stories and sat right behind a golf course in the “Currituck Club”. We had our own in-ground pool and a hot tub as well. The top floor was our kitchen, a living room, and the master bed room where my grandparents slept. The second floor had three rooms where my aunt and uncle, parents, and all the kids slept. The bottom floor had our laundry room and a game room/garage where we played foosball, pool, and lots of ping pong! I really enjoyed the club we stayed in because it was very pretty with a lot of nice, huge, houses. We went on daily walks or bike rides on the bike paths provided as did many other people vacationing there. There was also an athletic club available to all members of the club. The athletic center had basketball courts, tennis courts, a playground, volleyball net, and a weight room. Pretty much every day, we would take a short drive to the beach. The beach was about five minutes away so we’d load up and pile in the bed of the truck. At the beach we’d set up our beach chairs, umbrellas, and blankets to lay on. We laid in the sun, splashed in the waves, and played games on the beach. The Outerbanks is a beautiful vacation spot and I would love to go back again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

9/20-9/24 Past

Throughout my life, many significant things have happened. Of all the memories, one of them that stands out the most is when I learned how to do a front flip on my trampoline. I was nine years old and we had had our trampoline for a month or so. A family friend came over one day and taught me some tricks on the trampoline. She taught me how to do a front flip and we stayed outside working on it until I perfected it. A few days later, I was showing off to my older brother with my new trick. He could also do a front flip and he challenged me to a contest. The flipping contest had begun and I was up first. My brother and I have always been competitive and I tried so hard to be as good as him or do something better. On my first flip, I caught too much air and flipped right off the trampoline. I put my arms out to stop my fall, snapping my elbow. My brother ran over to me, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. My elbow was completely deformed. I don’t even remember the pain, I just remember being scared and shocked. My parents knew that they had to get me to the hospital right away. On the way there, I was cringing as the pain really kicked in. As it turns out, it was severely broken and needed surgery. After many months of recovery, I still live with an arm that will never be completely normal. I didn’t stop flipping but instead learned to be a little more careful when doing tricks on my trampoline. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/20-9/24 Present

Right now, I am pretty happy with my life and love a lot of things about it. First of all, I love my family. My parents are so supportive and I get along great with both of them. They are pretty reasonable for the most part and I can have fun with them. Even though my brother is away at college, I think we have grown closer. We fight less and keep in touch. Also, I love hanging out with my friends. Social events are my kind of thing and I love going out with my girls. We always have a good time no matter what we do. I like having my license and being able to drive to my friends or go places with my friends on my own time. I love sports and have a passion for soccer. Playing soccer is like an anti-drug for me. I love high intensity games and being challenged to play at a higher level. I also love traveling for soccer with my Empire team. We spend entire weekends together and it’s so much fun to bond. School right now is not too bad either. I look forward to my late arrival every other day because it means an extra hour and a half of sleep! My schedule isn’t filled with hard classes right now either so I don’t get much work outside of school. Football games are one of my favorite things during the fall season. Whether it’s the Alden Bulldogs, Buffalo Bills, or St. Lawrence Saints, I love cheering and getting excited for the games. It’s always fun to get a win but I mostly just look forward to a good game. I enjoy the simple things like sleep, food, and shopping as well. I’m very happy right now and I’m lucky to have the life I do.

9/20-9/24 Future

As a senior, I have been forced to really think about my future. Once I graduate I want to go to a small liberal arts college. I'd like to be about two to five hours away from home and I want to dorm. I also plan on playing soccer in college at a Division III school. The distance wouldn't be any issue for me because I know my parents would come to watch my soccer games and I'd still be able to go home on all the breaks. At college I will make many new friends and have some of the best times of my life. Some colleges that I have been considering are Allegheny, Hobart, Hamilton, Union, Hiram, and more. At whichever college I choose, I want to major in Market Management to become a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative. I understand that this job is very competitive and may require a lot of travel. It really doesn't bother me though, because the job seems to fit me perfectly. My goal in life is simply to live a happy, successful life. I want to have a great career that I enjoy doing and eventually start a family. I'd like to live in a cute suburban town but wouldn't mind living in the city for a few years before I have a family. My husband will be a successful businessman that was a former football player. We will have three kids, two boys and one girl. Our house will be large and I will drive and Escalade. Overall, I hope to live a happy healthy live with the people I love most.

Friday, September 17, 2010

9/13-9/17 #3

Ethan loved nothing more than the sea. He loved everything that had to do with the water such as boats, waves, and even the marine life. When he grew up, he wanted to be a sailor and live on the sea. His parents took him to the ocean and lakes all the time because that is where he was the happiest. The family moved into a house right on the water front of Lake Erie. His room had sailboat wallpaper and his sheets and bed spread were blue. Ethan spent his days out by the water, running around, splashing, and loving every minute of it. Every night when he laid down to sleep, his mind went on an adventure. He dreamed of his house floating on water, that no land ever existed. The dreams felt so real that he didn’t know what to believe. These were the best memories of Ethan’s life and he dreamt about it awake or asleep. If only he could truly have a house literally on the water….