Wednesday, December 22, 2010

12/20-12/23 TOPSoccer

Last winter, I participated in a program called TOPSoccer. TOPSoccer is a program where special needs kids get a chance to play soccer. I volunteered to help along with many other adults or kids around my age. There were practices held every Saturday night. It was split into two sessions. The first session was for younger kids who needed more help. The second session was older kids who we could let on their own sometimes. All the volunteers were provided with a purple collared shirt that we were required to wear in order to stand out to the kids. Every week, each volunteer was matched up with a special needs child. We were to stick with the kid the entire practice and help them through the drills. We participated in the majority of the activities and it was crazy, but so much fun. I remember my first time at TOPSoccer when I got matched up with a boy that was very energetic. He was about three years old. At first, he refused to participate in anything we did. I tried talking to him, kicking the ball with him, or just letting him run around, but he wouldn’t cooperate. About halfway through the session, he completely changed and was running all over the place. He’d jump on my back, rip my name tag off, win all the sprints, go hard after the ball, and so much more. Every week, I had a different kid but I got to know a lot of them as well. It was always a fun, unexpected, great time. We did easy soccer drills and played fun games. I had the opportunity to do something I loved while helping people. It was an unforgettable experience. TOPSoccer has had to be one of my favorite volunteer programs. I plan on participating in it again this winter and cannot wait.

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