Thursday, December 23, 2010

12/20-12/23 Currin Thinks He's Sweet

I have this teacher who thinks he’s cool or something. Who said Nathan Boss Bailey loved himself? This guy is ten times worse. He always picks on other people, mostly students, in order to build his confidence. What kind of pathetic, lame, loser does this? Everything I say or do, he makes fun of. One time, we played a friendly pick-up game of three on three basketball. He was on the opposing team and my team dominated his. Being a good sport, I shook hands with him after the game and told him good game. After all, his team did do pretty well for playing US. They really had no chance. Anyways, this man could not get over the fact that he lost. It was like the world was ending for him. A couple weeks later, this man challenged me to a rematch. We randomly choose two teammates each and played some 3v3 before my basketball practice. My team consisted of two sophomores, Miranda Daucher and Ashley Ess, and myself. The cruel man played with two seniors, Emma Fusco and Laura McCormik. We got playing and this man was going nuts. He was slashing my teammates in the face and pushing them down every time we went up for a shot. My team, along with his teammates, was appalled. We weren’t taking it seriously at all, just trying to have fun, and this man was going nuts. I purposely let him win because he got so upset the last time he lost. I scored a few baskets while he was guarding me just to get the message across that I AM BETTER than him. The game ended quickly when our coach called us to start practice. This guy was sooo proud of himself that he had beaten three teenage girls in a game of basketball. He has nothing better to do than go around telling everybody of his success. GOOD FOR YOU MR. CURRIN!

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