Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/18-10/22 Nate Horror Story

1) Once upon a time, there was a boy named Nathan Boss Bailey. He thought he was sweet and was always getting into trouble at school. Teachers and the principle were getting fed up with him and they kept warning him. One day, they decided to send him away for a few days. They sent him to a school in the town of Eden. They had never sent a student there before for suspension, so Nathan was their first one, sort of like a guinea pig. Nate was annoyed but followed the rules and went out to Eden for his first day. When he got there, they told him he’d be spending three days and two nights there. Nathan was not prepared for the little overnight visit at this alternative school in Eden at all. It was a long empty building out in the middle of nowhere with only woods surrounding it. They led him to a room to do his work and it reminded him of a dungeon. They locked up the doors behind him and surprisingly, Nate was the only student there. He started his work trying not to make eye contact with the instructor. The instructor was pale as can be, with long, black, straggly, hair and bloodshot eyes. Nathan sat in his chair, as creeped out as anyone could be, while he heard weird noises and saw shadows pass by every now and then. Nate thought he was getting sick, or not feeling well, because it was all too weird. He slept in a tiny room, with no ventilation and again heard the noises, and high pitched screaming in the night. He knew he needed to get out. With no phone, and no way of contacting anyone, Nate was just going to have to wait it out. On his last day there, he woke up sweating, but relieved to be going home. Except today was different, no one came for Nate, so he wandered off to the school room on his own. Nobody was in sight and he just sat down to do his work. It started to storm outside, the lights went off, and the noises got louder. Nate started running, scared out of his mind with something right behind him, chasing him. “Where did he run to?” you may ask, but nobody knows. No one knows where he disappeared to or what the school did to him. The Eden alternative school was shut down and there have been detectives on the case. Nate Bailey is still missing but the hunt to find him continues.


  1. This is an amazing story! I have never been so drawn in by a work of fiction.

  2. This is an amazing story. I can't wait for the sequel.
